When a Hundred Dollars Feels Like a Billion Dollars

When a Hundred Dollars Feels Like a Billion Dollars
Photo by Belinda Fewings / Unsplash

Elliana has been working hard in her ABA therapy to be ready to start attending traditional school next fall. Part of her preparation is learning the basics of money. She has been identifying that one nickel is worth five cents, one dime is worth ten cents, a one dollar bill is worth one dollar, etc. The other day, Laureann asked, “Elliana, do you love mom?” Elliana responded, “Yes!” Laureann replied, “How much?” To which Elliana quickly squealed, “A hundred dollars!” Laureann and I were lost in laughter for several minutes. In her precious little words, she had just told us that she loved Laureann with all of her heart.

It’s the little things like this in our days that keep us going. It’s so easy to get bogged down in the routine, mundane, and hard things of life. Small and precious comments like this are just the things we need to lift our spirits and keep us going for a few more hours. Fortunately for us, Elliana is full of these little one-liners and peppers them throughout our week. She loves being the center of attention and making those that she loves laugh out loud. Thanks, baby girl, for keeping us laughing and smiling through it all. You are a blessing to us, and mommy and daddy both love you, “a hundred dollars!”