My 2023 Goals

My 2023 Goals
Photo by Markus Winkler / Unsplash

Since we are already over a month into this year, I figured I should probably finalize my goals for 2023. I’ve come to enjoy setting goals at the beginning of the year, and summarizing how things went at the end of the year . I know I won’t hit all of these, but these will help give me direction and something to aim at. My goal in posting these here is to provide some accountability throughout the year. I plan to update this list at least once per quarter. What are some of your goals and resolutions for 2023?


  1. Memorize 2 Corinthians 4.
    – I love that this chapter focuses on the gospel during the middle of suffering. Despite all of the hard, God is good, and His gospel changes everything. This could be a fantastic theme for this year.
  2. Write out the book of Mark by hand.
    – I heard this idea on Jon Acuff’s podcast. This year I want to try to be more focused in Bible study. I don’t want to focus on the quantity read, but really dig in and go deeper into the words of Scripture. I think by slowing down and writing it out, that will help accomplish those goals.
  3. Study 2-3 Bible books, starting with Mark using Exalting Jesus in Mark as a guide.
    – As I said above, I want to focus on smaller passages rather than just trying to read large quantities of the Bible. I’ve gone through a couple of the other Exalting Jesus in… books, and have thoroughly enjoyed them.
  4. Read New Morning Mercies and The Songs of Jesus each day before I go to sleep.
    – Both of these books are fantastic. Each one has a short daily devotional and some Scripture for additional reading. I want to use these books as a part of my “wind down time” so that I have edifying things on my mind as I fall asleep.
  5. Pray for 10 minutes per day.
    – I believe in the power of prayer, but this one is tough for me. To focus, slow down, and pray has always been hard. I might move this down to 5 minutes to start, so I get some traction and not get frustrated with myself and quit.
  6. Have family devotions 2-3 nights per week.
    – I want to say that we could do 6-7 nights per week, but I know that is not realistic. I’m shooting for 2-3 with the hopes that we are consistent in that, and those times become very special for all of us.


  1. Text 10 different people, and ask them how I can pray for them.
    – As I said before, I believe in the power of prayer. I also love to help people. However, with the demands of life, physically helping can be hard. This is just one way to help, as well as take the focus off of me and my circumstances.
  2. Go on at least ten dates with Laureann.
    – I’m convinced that all those books that say to have a weekly date night have no kids. And if you do have kids and can pull this off, I applaud you. It’s just simply not possible for us. So I’m going to attempt around one night each month. Out of the house. Focused time together.
  3. Call mom and dad every other week.
    – I treasure the relationship I have with my parents. I want to be intentional and keep building that relationship by carving out time to connect with them this year.
  4. Take each boy out for a meal alone twice.
    – It is rare that our boys get one-on-one time with us. I’m planning to try to find just a couple of days where I can get each of them out by themselves to just give them some much-needed focused time.
  5. Spend a night away downtown with L.
    – While L and I love to travel, we don’t actually get to enjoy downtown Indy very often. One night away would be great and much less stress for grandparents than a full week-long trip. Plus, we have a free night at the Hyatt we need to use.
  6. Write L 10 handwritten notes.
    – My wonderful wife is a words of affirmation girl. In all of the years I’ve been with her, she’s always appreciated gifts that are thoughtful and encouraging more than expensive and flashy. So I want to love her in this way this year.
  7. Have more intentional conversations with the boys.
    – This goal feels kinda vague. What I mean is that I don’t just want to ride in the car in silence or make small talk. The days that they are at home are quickly coming to a close. I want to make the most of that time and pour into them as much as possible before they head out on their own.
  8. Read a book together with Caden.
    – Carter and I read The Hobbit together last year. It was fun to dialog about the book as we were reading through. I want to do that with Caden this year.
  9. Help Carter become a licensed driver.
    – He’s got his permit, and I need to set aside the time to patiently teach him this skill. Plus, I’m tired of being his personal Uber driver. So there are some selfish intentions here.
  10. Help Carter find a summer job.
    – It’s time. He needs to have some earned income outside of our house. I want to be there to help guide him as he selects where to work.
  11. 25 board game nights.
    – Board games are one of our family’s favorite activities to do. Because I work nights, this usually can only happen on Saturday nights. This goal gives us 2 game nights per month.
  12. Become more empathetic and less emotionally reactive when the girls are struggling with behaviors.
    – This is another vague goal that is hard to quantify. I will probably be checking in with L and the boys to see how they think I’m doing here. In my mind, I know how I should react when they are melting down, but in the loud moments it’s not always easy for me. Praying for some major growth here.


  1. Read 35 books.
    – I read over 50 last year, but a few of them I rushed through, and I don’t remember much of what I read. I want to remove some of the pressure by lowering the number and slowing down to enjoy reading that much more.
  2. Do a 3-4 sentence summary for all 35 books.
    – I find putting together a short summary really helps me solidify the major points of a book in my mind. It’s also useful for conversations later about that book.
  3. Organize books into a library on Notion for tracking.
    – Having one central location for tracking all my books, highlights, and notes is something I’ve wanted to do for a few years now.
  4. Journal in Day One every day.
    – I did a 30 day journaling challenge in February of 2021. It was a good month and fun to look back on. For this goal, posting a picture, quote, or a 500 word entry all count.
  5. Complete all of the Monday NYT crosswords.
    – I love crosswords, and the NYT app is amazing. Although Mondays are the easiest puzzles of the week, I’m almost to the point where I can get them all done with no hints.
  6. Go on 3 solo hikes.
    – I was able to do one solo hike last year and loved it. It was a great time to get out, clear my head, and pray.
  7. Check email once per day and get to inbox zero.
    – Email is terrible. Checking once each day is enough. I plan to do this on my computer and only open the phone app if I have to send a quick message or look up an email when I’m out.
  8. Contact a lawyer to update will.
    – This has been put off too long. Our circumstances have gotten much more complex, and I need to get this done.
  9. Get landscaping done around our house.
    – We’ve talked about getting some landscaping done at this house for several years. This includes painting the exterior trim. This is the year.
  10. Consider outsourcing mowing.
    – Mowing has always been something I’ve had a love/hate relationship with. I don’t like the process, but I like the solitude during it. I have too many things on my plate. It’s time for Carter and Caden to take over.
  11. Figure out how to provide sabbath moments during the week.
    – Ideally we would have a whole day set aside for sabbath and rest. Our current life circumstances will not allow that. I do think it’s important to try to carve out some time, even scattered throughout our week for this rest.
  12. Publish 20 blog posts.
    – Pretty straight forward. I’m trying to grow my writing habit. If you know someone who might enjoy or benefit from one of my posts, please share!
  13. Enter transactions into YNAB at time of purchase.
    – We’ve used YNAB for our household budget for over 10 years now. (Highly recommend for everyone!) I still struggle to enter transactions as they happen. This causes extra work for me later when I’m trying to balance my accounts.
  14. Make a Notion database of all subscriptions for better clarity on overall costs.
    – Everything is a subscription now. I want to get a clear monthly cost breakdown and see if there is anything we can cut out.


  1. Lose 10 pounds.
    – I want to try for more, but I feel 10 is attainable.
  2. Run for 30-45 minutes 3 days per week.
    – Running is one of my favorite hobbies. I’ve run 2 half-marathons and still have the goal of running a full marathon some day. This is not the year however. I will be focusing on consistency and building back my fitness after surgery and injury.
  3. Walk/Run 500 miles.
    – I will be using the Tempo app to track this goal. If I stick to my running schedule, along with a few walks around the neighborhood and at work, I should get this done.
  4. Complete 2 strength and/or yoga workouts each week.
    – Part of my injury last year was due to not cross training. I know I need to do strength training, but I would just much rather go out and pound the pavement. 2 workouts each week could be a struggle.
  5. Sleep 6-7 total hours per day.
    – Working nights wrecks your sleep. I use the AutoSleep app to track this. Unfortunately, my sleep is usually broken into two sessions, but I need at least 6-7 total hours to feel somewhat human.
  6. Cut out all sodas at home.
    – Coke Zero is my favorite. I know it’s not good for me. I’m going to try to cut it out at home and save it just for special occasions.
  7. Do 5 minutes of focused breathing before falling asleep.
    – I’ve started this already. Along with reading before sleep, the Mindfulness app on my Apple Watch helps me fall asleep quickly and (I think) sleep much better.
  8. Cut out all desserts except on weekends.
    – I don’t plan to count calories. I know my sweet tooth is what gets me. I usually have some sort of sugary snack/dessert each day of the week. Those calories add up fast! I think one cheat day per week is a reasonable compromise.
  9. Get a primary care doctor and schedule a physical.
    – As each birthday goes by, I feel the need to get this done, but still haven’t. This is the year to start acting like an adult and getting those regular checkups.