Happy Birthday Laureann!

Happy Birthday Laureann!
Photo by Brooke Lark / Unsplash

Usually for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. I try to write a letter to L expressing my love and thankfulness for her. This year, I thought I would post a few of the reasons I’m so thankful to have such an incredible lady in my life.

I’m amazed at your constant sacrificial love. If you know L at all, you know how she is always giving up her time and energy for me and the kids. What most people don’t see, that I am privileged to, is how she does this day in and day out. Raising four kids, homeschooling, battling with doctor's offices, laundry (that never ends), sleepless nights, endless spills/messes, and special needs are enough to wipe anyone out. Somehow, she keeps it all going (without coffee!) and shows up the next day to do it all over again. It’s a lonely and difficult job. Thanks, Babe for doing all that you do. The five of us feel so loved and cared for.

I’m thankful for your love for Jesus. Having a spouse who loves and follows Jesus is among the greatest blessings I could ask for. L, I’m so thankful to have had a front-row seat to watch how God has worked (and continues to work) in your life. I’m thankful that you listen and follow Him, no matter the cost to you. I’m thankful that you challenge me in my walk with Christ. I’m blessed to be able to see you share your faith with our kids and encourage them to live for Jesus as well.

I’m grateful for how you support and cheer me on. L, I’m not sure if I have the words to express how thankful I am for your constant support. You have been there with and for me in all of my highs and lows. The last couple of years has been some seriously deep waters for me personally as well as for us as a family. Never once did I question that you would be right by my side, holding my hand, reassuring me, and doing everything you could to support and encourage me. Thanks for never giving up on me.

I cherish the laughter we share. No one can make me smile and laugh like you. I look back fondly over the years at the many one-liners and dumb jokes we’ve laughed at until we couldn’t breathe and our bellies hurt. It never ceases to amaze me how we can smile at each other across the room and know exactly what the other person is thinking. Laughter truly is the best medicine, and with the craziness of our life, I’m thankful to share many laughs with you.

The best is yet to come. I would have never guessed we would be where we are now in life. We’ve experienced many mountain tops together, and we’ve had moments where we feel like we are drowning in an ocean. Yet, through it all, our love has grown, our relationship has deepened, and we have been changed for the better. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you and am excited about the future because I know you will be there.

I love you dearly Hunny. I hope you have a wonderfully happy birthday. Now let’s go to Greece to celebrate you!

A quick note: If today’s post had any typos, misspelled words, or grammatical errors, it’s because I was my own editor. Normally, Laureann proofs just about anything I write. Today, however, is a special day because this post is (hopefully) a surprise to my wonderful wife :)